Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Presumably flogged!

No kitchen stuff today you'll be glad to hear, a change of theme for today.
Katy and I went out for lunch today which was a rare treat. I rarely get her on her own, but she is using up holiday. I wanted to have a run in the courtesy car which I have so we headed down to the Lobster Pot at Blackness. The food was delicious, we'll go again. I had a home made steak pie and Katy a burger. We both came away feeling very full.
The horse in the collage stands at the gate of a nearby house, not sure what the story behind it is but it's very striking!
Back home, I was pleased to see that the fish in my garden pond have survived. I've no longer any idea how many are in there but I saw five at one point so there are at least that many still alive. The water looks good and clear too.
I popped into one of our local charity shops today and picked up the lovely Gluggle jug there. The daffodils make a lovely contrast with the rich blue.
Hard to believe but it's a year today since my lovely friend Ruth died. Still find that hard to come to terms with she was such an alive person

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