Hannah and Egg

Nice lazy Sunday morning with the Khan Collectives. Even managed to sit outside to have some lunch.
Went to the Laura Centre memorial service this afternoon. Tobes fell asleep in the car so we just wheeled him into the church in the buggy. He woke up half way through but must have sensed the mood in the church as he just sat on Mike's knee and cuddled up to him, very quiet. Eva wriggled and squirmed on my knee and ate the order of service! It was a difficult afternoon, but good for us to have some space in the hustle and bustle of every day life to think about our darling little angel Henry. When Toby got up he had a tiny downy feather up his nose - his angel big brother has a sense of humour! It brings it home to be sat in a church full of people who have also suffered such an unbearable loss, hearing all the names of the babies being read out - all those lives over before they even began.

Both felt really washed out afterwards. I fell asleep feeding Eva upstairs and Mike fell asleep on the sofa. It was 3am before we woke and properly went to bed :0(

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