But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

List to Port.

This drunken owl continues the theme of The Old Lady's new home and his sick appearance is accentuated by the colour of the wall behind him. In fact the condition of this bird is such that he regularly falls off his perch (c.f. Monty Python's "Parrot" sketch) and, equally regularly, has to be replaced.

Yesterday, while we were packing, TOL was commenting that she felt as though she was going on holiday. Today, her having spent the night there, we managed to entice her to have lunch in the dining room (she could have stayed in her flat for it); she sat with a lady who immediately started talking to her so we changed our plan from sitting with her to bowing discretely out and leaving them to get on with it. The said lady apparently pulled a bottle of wine out of her handbag so we are now under orders to deliver a bottle of dry sherry tomorrow.

Afternoon tea was arranged to be a little party to introduce the new girl on the block, with all the residents on the floor invited; five turned up while two others popped in to introduce themselves and a lot of the others had prior engagements, they're a busy lot there. Many memories were mused over and TOL's age was marvelled at, much to her delight, and after that it was back to the dining room for dinner.

Today there has been no mention of aches or pains, more food and drink has been consumed than we have seen for a long time (we may get her up to a size nine if this continues) and the comment was made, "I feel as though I'm on holiday!"
We hope she doesn't want to go home at the end of it.

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