Barely Awake

I love this look...Ellie is so expressive. This was taken before swim lessons today. Ellie fell asleep on the drive, which I expected and encouraged, she usually wakes in time for her class but today I had to wake her. She only had a few minutes to wake up before I took this photo. 

During the lesson, the mother of another student told me she thought the kids were going backward and I realized I agreed with her so I talked to the supervisor. I didn't expect my comment to make much difference, but he spoke to the teacher, got in the water, and took over the class. He was very assertive with each of the children and told them that he would pull them under the water and they should kick with their flippers. He did this with each child two times; I know each of the kids was shocked by the turn from NO expectations of them to this big commitment to going underwater. But I think the kids will advance more quickly from now on, at least, I hope so. Ellie wasn't happy after the lesson but I gave her a lot of praise. I wonder what you think of bribery, but I took her to Dollar Tree where she picked out several "good job gifts"...I told her each of them would be given in relation to her swim lesson. She was happy with the idea and picked one for doing okay with underwater today, and a second for talking calmly with each of her grandpas about going underwater and not crying. She did it beautifully. :-)))  Normally expressing a memory like that would cause tears, especially to her grandpas!! 

The extra photo is for Tiny Tuesday. The very tiny crocus flower is the only one in my garden; I remember it showed up alone last year too. I thought Crocus spread; I can't decide if I am grateful or disappointed since I struggle with the big spread of the grape hyacinth bulbs!! Thanks, Kathy1947, for hosting TT this month!

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