Tuesday: Orchids

Well, today has been a flurry of activity, mainly around sourcing rabies vaccinations for K.  Having established yesterday that they weren’t  available in Belize, we emailed our medical provider in the UK.  We probably should have done that straightaway but, until yesterday, we thought we could get the vaccine locally.  

Anyway, having emailed them last night, I woke up to an urgent email telling us to contact them as soon as possible.  As we were awake at 0430 in the morning worrying, we were able to call them early.  

The office machinery has kicked in.  K went up the the UK military base in Belize City for her ‘Day 0’ shot.  Next, she has to have the ‘Human Rabies Immuno Globin’ - stay tuned for what happens next.

In the meantime, we have orchids growing in our garden.  The gardener has brought some in for us.

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