New pockets

Before "the boys" my neighbours, who are actually grown men in their 40's and married, went away on their holiday, Les asked if I could do another favour as well as look after the house. He had managed to make holes in the bottom of both of his jacket pockets. I suspect with keys! I did sew up the holes but the nylon fabric would not hold for long so I decided to line the pockets to prolong the life of the jacket. I didn't have any proper lining fabric so I chose this reindeer remnant that seemed the most robust I had. Knowing him reasonably well, I didn't think he would mind and of course he didn't. So he now has a pocket in a pocket, which hopefully stand up to his keys!
It was online shopping day with my MIL. The usual phone call to get the list followed by several text messages to report unavailables and substitutions! It's always a fairly lengthy process but I'm pleased to be able to do it and takes much less time, than driving the 40 miles in each direction to physically do her shop. It's only once a fortnight so I'm more than happy to help. At least this time there seemed to be a bit more available although some staple items were still unavailable, and still much less choice in other areas. As I have been doing it for quite some time now at least I'm able to mostly pick an alternative for her.
The snow had gone this morning much to Reg's disgust when he ventured outside! There is more forecast tonight so he may be lucky in the morning!
For having learnt some basic needlework skills
For some basic computer skills
For being able to use both those skills to help others

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