Loggers logging logs

This morning while walking Kasper a logging operation could be seen up on the hill that I live the other side of so I went back a bit later when the sun had come around for a Blip.
The machine at the top was what the helicopter was doing the other day as it anchored by cables to stop it getting pulled down the hill.
The operation was to get the trees that had been felled to the top of the hill so the machine at the bottom gets the trees to the grab and they are winched up the hill. The machine at the bottom is also on a cable to stop it sliding down the hill and to assist it on its return to the top.
Even power cable can be seen in the shadows of the Extra but the telephoto compression makes them look closer to the logging operation than they are. The trees yet to go up can be seen too.

That's my lot till next week so be good! LOL

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