
It was an unusual warm day.
The morning walk with Caspar felt strange because of the temperature.
But we coincidentally met Tico, Caspar's friend, and they had the blast chasing each other in the fields. And Caspar learned that dogs can drink from puddles. It is so important to meet other dogs!

We also met a 13 years old white shepherd lady with her dad. She wasn't interested in a wild play, so Caspar had to wait patiently during our chat. Than we hurried home, because Teba's bus driver was waiting for us to pick up his birthday present (It's a story of it's own). He is a big fan of Caspar, so they had a very good time together. 

In the afternoon, Caspar accompanied me to collect Teba at her bus. It is one of his daily tasks. H0tamer came home form his daily walk (still without Caspar, who isn't allowed to walk so far) and left with Caspar for another walk. At this moment the wheather has already changed in dark threatening clouds. Shortly after the two had set off, a violent thunderstorm broke out with lots of hail. I really hoped the two of them had found shelter. It took me a while before I could reach them. They were safe, but gladly accepted the offer that I would pick them up there.

All in all it was an eventful day for Caspar!

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