Sneachd !
It started snowing late last night and continued into the sma' hours and so we awoke to a winter wonderland. However it was one that was fleeting as it was already starting to melt. I headed over the Black Spout Woods before it disappeared.
I do like how snow transforms the landscape, revealing details not always spotted. The Black Spout itself was in full flow and in addition to these quizzical sheep I saw four roe deer (3 does and a buck) .
I spent the first part of the afternoon on my Gaelic coursework - I am now nearing the end of my first unit and so no more Sìne, Alasdair, Una and Donnchadh and their deliberations about Seonag, bean Dhòmhaill (Donald's wife). I can now tell you that "chan eil sùillean uaine aice" and "chan eil falt dubh oirre" (she doesn't have green eyes and she does't have black - literally green eyes aren't at her and black hair isn't on her).
I'm really enjoying the course - the teaching approach works for me and I am now having more detailed conversations in Gaelic in my head !
The rest of the day has been spent exploring the contenders for my unknown great grandfather - in so doing I have come across some interesting family histories which deepen my understanding of life in Argyll in the late 19th /early 20th centuries.
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