
By Veronica

Sweet tooth

There was an organic market in Salobreña this morning which happens once a month. I went along because it's very difficult to find ethically sourced meat here, so we eat hardly any (not that much of a hardship given the abundance of fresh fish). There was one meat stall selling vacuum packed stewing beef, so that was not entirely successful. However the market was very popular, with the one bread stall featuring a massive queue (99% of bread in Andalusia is terrible). And lots of good looking fresh fruit and veg. 

The most unusual stall was this one -- they were selling freshly squeezed sugar cane juice (you can see the raw cane in the foreground). The guy on the left is pushing the stalks through a crushing machine while the other one pours it into bottles. Sugar cane used to be big around here (some info here), but has now pretty much disappeared in favour of fruit. Although there's still a rum factory in Salobreña, they import their cane.

In the Mercado Municipal I bought some expertly hand-sliced jamón which seemed good value at only 6.50 for 100 grams. I noticed the ham stall had  a fridge and some tables so they would sell you a beer or a glass of wine that you could enjoy with a plate of charcuterie.

I didn't do that though; I stopped at a cafe for a traditional tostada con tomate with a glass of tinto de verano. It was lovely sitting in the shade and enjoying the warmth.

Back home, bit of housework, reading my book in the shade on the terrace. Another gorgeous day. Soundtrack: Cécile again, with Jacky Terrasson this time (she knows how to pick pianists).

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