Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera


We spent the morning in Zagreb this morning, after saying goodbye to Steven and Rachel - Rachel has gone onto Slovenia, Steven to Rome after a week in Croatia with me.

After they left, We (Anne and the Mistress and I) had an hour or so in Zagreb so did a whirlwind tour of the city. The Mistress was very slow because her foot is very sore from trekking the lakes yesterday for 11 hours.

However we came across his memorial in a small tunnel leading from the lower town into the upper town. It's been dedicated to the people who lost their lives in the war (Bosnian War) 20 years ago. Very sad.

In fact, all the way up in the car, there is still evidence of tghe war, in bullet holes in many of the houses, particularly out in the country. In the cities, not so much evidence as most of the buildings have now been fixed.

This was a sad time for Croatia - such a beautiful country with such wonderful people. We've really enjoyed the country.

We're back in Munich airport now, awaiting our flight back to Amsterdam!

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