Jelly Babies expect Snow

I've had a productive day today and got things out of the way that were bothering me.

1)    I had an hour-long phone conversation with a motor insurance company, better than trying to do it online. My previous company sent a letter saying their underwriters were no longer able to insure the car and wouldn't say why. I have now got a new, cheaper company.......and I've taken the other car from the old company as well.

2)   I had a Physio appointment about my knee. Apparently, the intense pain I experienced at Christmas was a flare-up. My leg muscles are now very weak and now I know I have no serious bony issues, I can work on exercises. "Don't stress about what you can't do: make improvements on what you can do!"

3)   I've shrugged off yesterday's disappointment over failing my ARPS. I'm taking things easy. I'm not saying I'll never try again,  I want to keep improving, but, I won't let myself leave everything to the last minute and get into a panic.

It is not a qualification that will benefit me in any financial way, just an ego thing and, do you know what? The stars hearts and nice comments you folk give my blips mean more to me than an award that will vanish if I stop paying my RPS subs.

No one can take away the support you folk have given me for 14 years.

SO! Guess what the Jelly Babies are doing tomorrow!

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