Another lazy night-time-out-of-the-window shot

The only other pictures I took today were of colleagues and I can't blip them. I am supposed to be making a poster of all the members of staff in our building and it is proving very difficult. Some people send me their favourite selfie which turns out to be 49Kb and I have to explain that in print it will be far too blurred. One has been saying for a week that I'll get a selfie once their shower has been repaired. Another has sent me a pic that is just about large enough on condition that I convert it into mono. Another has insisted on wearing a hat, as if I will object (I don't, though I have refused the picture showing a quarter of a face in shadow looking sideways). Yet another has asked to use the austere, intimidating photo that is on her ID badge. Well, fine, though I really expected that one to be replaced.

But, hey, I managed to persuade two people to let me take their photos today.

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