La vida de Annie

By Annie


Took a trip to visit #1D today as she wanted to get some things from the Swedish store. As usual we only got a couple of things we wanted and a whole big blue bag full of stuff we didn't know we wanted, with a future trip earmarked for the missing items. I resisted the scented tealights and Scandinavian biscuits, and only got 3 picture frames instead of the industrial quantities I usually go for, but a few other things crept in - how can anyone with access to a newborn resist a set of finger puppets? #1GS is consuming vast amounts of nourishment at the mo and was grumbling for more most of the time, though decided to doze off when we wanted to throw him in a pile of teddies for a blip; perhaps as well. Instead #1D got to play with the soft toys.

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