Pot of Colour

Back Blip form Akaroa

It was a lovely warm morning. The cold and wet weather arrived early afternoon with the Southerly change. So pleased I got the bins out before the rain arrived. Tomorrow is to be very wet and cold too. I had a good chat to a neighbour I haven't seen for a while, when I took the bins out. His wife was working at the Akaroa hospital today. They live in Christchurch and come over most weekends. I seem to miss seeing them most of the times. He brings my bins in if they are still in Akaroa for me. His wife only does a few shifts to help out at the hospital as she is retired now.

The pots of plants on the deck don't get any rain so really dry out. Luckily I managed to bring these geraniums back to life when I arrived on Thursday.

The rain sure come down in the afternoon and in the evening and it was so cold. Snow fall was to be down to 1000m.

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