Another narrow escape?

In the frozen North.

Sometime over what passes for winter I lay abed watching my breath steaming in the air.  Last night was, supposedly, the coldest this year.  I'd left the Velux© just to say cracked, but could see through said crack from "Ligabed horizontalis"; NO breath steam in sight.

This a.m. I awoke to the news that we'd had both the coldest night this year, and half the country it seemed, was gridlocked due to SNOW.  How many feet I wondered?  Well:-
Exhibit 1. Minimum Max/Min reading was -7˚C, rising, eventually, to a heady, double digit, 10˚C
Exhibit 2. A photo of a person's garden (ref; carnivorous plants) Snow WAS visible; must have been in the order of a whole 2mm once you got a few feet from the house, where there was none visible. 

The Blip today - The Golf-ball, not Blipped for years and showing the nearest Snow I'm aware of.

BTW I marked where it IS, not where I took it from.

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