Resonate - for fun

By Generate13


Sometimes my memory fails me in an exam, it did alittle today. Mind blank.

Before the exam, I sat outside in the courtyard on this bench in the Old College and remembered Thins the bookshop! I grew up in Ayr and have fond memories of Thins when I was wee. I never knew why the bookshop had closed down etc but it was a sad day, no Waterstones could replace the kids section in Thins.

Anyway, last ever exam of my university career :) Glad it is over but so nervous to what degree classification I will receive. Just got to wait a month!

Met some friends for a couple of drinks and went to see Star Trek - into the darkness. It is unbelievably good :) I have a tendency for saying films are ok so much so my boyfriend will not believe me when I say this is really good because he knows I mean it, yet he can't imagine a Star Trek film being that good :) Django unchained is the only other movie I have said that is good in the past year. If you haven't seen either of these films I'd recommend it.

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