
By SkiMe

MonoMonday Challenge 473 - broad / narrow

How I wish my shoulders were more broad to bear the burden of the narrow path…

In any case, I occasionaly muster the courage to face the maddening world.

Today I skinned up the mountain for the first time of the season.

Better late than never.

ps, it was very warm and there is very little snow in the Alps this year... I  was so sweaty that I had to change shirts at the top.  Funny for a picture I suppose and copying a theme from back in 1997/1998 ski trip to Aspen Highlands when in sub-zero frigid temperatures a very muscular Hungarian guy asked me to snap his photo (before Instagram) at the top of the Aspen Highlands bowls in the same pose.  I took the challenge and did the same - it has become something of a life theme - to up the anty from time to time to go beyond your limitations.

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