mono flowers

Spent so long on deleting emails!  Finally we had a walk to the coop for raisin bread, then tried our little Sainsbury's and the baker's to no avail! Took this shot as we passed a florist's!

Made a chilli for tonight with leftovers for another day.  Youngest came to spend some time with us and had her homework - to research someone she admires etc, why , things about the person.....  She chose the Queen and we spent some time finding out about her.  When Mum collected she was watching a documentary about the Queen.  Trying to print off a photo of her father giving a card he had made to the Queen when she opened the Market place in1988 but am having problems with the ink!!  Ro has spent the day sorting out my problems!! Not sure how to tell him I have another!  

Many thanks to KangaZu who is hosting MM this month!

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