
By memento

Almost as good as Google Earth

Goodbye Amsterdam
Well hello there Greenland
Oh thank god, Minnesota

The only difference between Google Earth and real flying is that with Google Earth, you don't get to experience the utter joy of sitting squashed in by an inconsiderate yokel who can't sit still in his seat that is fully reclined (even during meal service) and the constant wailing and fake crying of a three year old whose oblivious mother has never heard of the concept of entertaining your child during a flight.

Everything has turned bright green while we were gone. There is so much work to be done in the yard that it makes me sort of nauseous.

The one bright spark today was the delivery of yummy food by someone that I've missed seeing, whose thoughtfulness spared me from having to cook or even think about groceries when I am more or less dead on my feet from 20 hours of flying.

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