Sneezy day today,
got a cold. Grumble, grumble.
Roadworks in the woods??
Not a lot to report. Ben is still tricky. It's almost harder that he had 2 good days and then back to difficult. Just disappointing. Plus I have a little cold which is making me feel tired.
In more shocking news, Mr KCNQ2Haiku was hit by a golf ball on his run this morning. He was running along the river, admittedly next to a golf course but actually on the river path and wallop, he was hit on the top of his knee. He said passers by were nice but still, what a rubbish experience and such bad luck. He's iced it and it seems like there's no serious damage but I do hope he's not too sore tomorrow.
We went for a walk in the woods this afternoon. Through the trees I could see this road works sign, I ducked under some branches to investigate.. there is a footpath closed due to maintenance but surely there couldn't be roadworks in the actual trees?? No, just someone has appropriated a sign to put outside their den! It made me smile :-)
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