Spent the morning doing some tidying and putting things away and sorting the presents brought back from KL. Had a stroll to the PO to bank an HMRC refund and withdraw £10 for Tuesday. High finance indeed! It was sunny outside but I resisted the urge to go and prune roses and things. Snow is forecast for the start of the week.
After lunch it was down to the Manor to see Mum, she's well even if her conversation is limited. Checked her electricity bill and nearly fell off my perch. It will need some looking into.
Then up to WPR to see #3 and Hannah. They are both well, as is Alfie. Gave the presents and caught up on all the news.
The evening was spent in front of the tv. Realised I was 2 seasons behind on CTM. That will be a few evenings.
I had planned to blip when I was out and about but somehow forgot so here's that cat again.
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