Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips


Oldest son James visited to watch the Cardiff City FC match v Bristol City that kicked off at 12.30pm. Cardiff dominated in this Severnside Derby match and won 2-0, with drama minutes before the end. Our keeper got sent off, only for a defender to go in goal as we'd used all our subs. The much needed win gives us a good cushion over the relegation zone.

This evening was the much awaited village performance of Rapunzel at Bishopswood Village Hall. Our neighbour, Shane, was one of the big stars of the show (see main - Dame Hilda) with many costume changes (extras). It was six months learning lines for the four shows that started Thursday evening and culminated in this Saturdays shows. It was well organised as was the bar with half time drinks being able to be preordered!

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