
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

You will have heard about my plethora of Work Wives here in Aotearoa. Fazzy, Corrie, Ellie, Briar and Shenée. Amongst others.

But - TO BE CLEAR - Caro also has a group she has named "Faux Husbands". She even has a WhatsApp group!

It includes Tiger, Mo, Jefe and Shenée's Craig. She routinely puts out messages to the group asking for boy advice about boy things.

I am not good at boy things.

It was Craig who stepped up when she asked for advice on her car. Things like how to check the pressure on her tyres. 

Boy stuff. 

As a result we met the couple in Paekakariki at their favourite cafe. Apparently they go there every Sunday for coffee and pastries and to look at all the doggies. 

It WAS a very doggy-friendly place. They were EVERYWHERE. Me and Caro also cooed over the greyhounds and the Aussie Shepherd and the little dachsund.  

And then Shenée  arrived. 


- was the noise she made and then she was OFF! Fussing over all the dogs while I got the couple coffee and pastry as thanks for Craig's help.

Afterward Craig took Caro to the nearest service station while me and Shenée went back to the house to sit in the garden and play with Jasper. 

When we were eventually all reunited we'd all had a fun afternoon. I love the Craig/Caro dynamic. They spend most of their time rolling their eyes and laughing at Shenée and I. As two sets of couples go, we seem to fit together quite well. 

All we need is for Craig and Shenée to get a dog and it would be perfect.


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