At The Market

Selling some of the last few copies of the Porty Food Map and telling people about the Crowdfunder and the plans for the Town Hall. Earlier we took the footage for L and G's music video for Seagull - their upcoming single off their EP which will soon be ready to release! Big thanks to the people that came along to help us make the video first thing on a Saturday morning. The weather was perfect!
Later on it was Game 19 of the Britannia sequence with me, L, D and F. I was playing yellow and suffered from an appalling run of bad dice rolls early on which meant the Romans scored poorly, all but ruining my chances of a win before the game had really started. Sure enough I was fourth, as L won as red, a few points ahead of D as blue. Harold's Saxons largely stopping William's Normans in their tracks on their way to a record Saxon score.
*Britannia is a boardgame that covers British history from the Romans to the Normans. The four of us have been playing a twenty-four game sequence for years now, which will ensure we have played all the possible permutations by the time we finish.

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