The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

As ugly as a bald coot ..

I thought I'd quote my own Facebook status from this morning ..

I so need a break ..

I *do* get out every day - but somehow I'm always here ..

I'm beginning to feel myself getting tetchy and it really is unfair and pointless to say to someone with dementia 'But I TOLD you that' and 'Mum - PLEASE don't do XYZ' and get grumpy about her bizarre repeated behaviours.

It's not her fault - and frankly if she could see herself she'd remind me that she once asked to be 'bopped over the head' if she ever became as bad as her mother-in-law.

She's considerably worse.

Mum has been getting up two hours after going to bed and appearing, dressed ready for the new day as I am thinking of heading to bed for the night .. thankfully she hasn't got up yet tonight ..

But when I got up this morning she was already downstairs - god knows how long she'd been down here ..

Anyway - I popped into the park on the way back from the shops, hoping to see the grebe, but just saw the coot and her truly ugly babies - so here they are - in spite of the fact that this afternoon I saw yellowhammers, my very first whinchat, a buzzard .. and then went back to the park and photographed the grebe -who are sadly down to one baby - there were two yesterday, four a week ago :(

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