
By Mindseye

Dog day aftetnoon

Thanks all for your recent comments and likes :-)

I’m now in “dog sitting” mode for the next 3 weeks, looking after Gorgeous George here, oh and his Dad, when he gets in from work too lol!

Looking forward to a break, no driving back and forth, I’ve even brought 3 books with me, I’ve started them all and not finished them.

We are out tonight, C has a gig, that’s one of several guitars he owns, alongside his piano and music books.

Sounds like we are in for a cold spell of weather, perfect timing for my dog walking !!!!

Oh yes, my house buyers pulled out on Wednesday, said they couldn’t finance the price we agreed! Got another offer yesterday though, so it’s still looking promising! Talk about stress!!

I’m hoping this 3 weeks will give me some much needed down time, healthy eating & exercise……. Holiday in May, do we need to shift those Winter pounds ;-)

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