Pep Ventosa

M was a bit off colour today so it was just me and Fletch who walked up to the park. A few showers a brief bit of sunshine but not too cold. 
Our camera club theme is Homage to a favourite photographer. The ones I like tend to be street photographers with 'decisive  moment 'photos so hard for me to emulate as our streets are quiet and I've not seen anything 'decisive ' So my homage is to the Spanish photographer,  Pep Ventosa. He walks round an object ( often a tree ) and takes multiple images then stacks them. 
It's just as well the park was quiet as I walked round this silver birch snapping away. 
Not as good as his but I had fun when I got home . I took another of the bandstand. ( extra) 
Not brilliant photos but I had something to submit. 
 We were out quite a long time and Fletch managed quite well. 
M feeling better now I'm glad to say. We re at that age when even slight ailments remind ourselves of our mortality. 

1st day of the month! Spring is officially today.
White rabbits.. ( no idea why we say that but...hoping for a healthy month for all of us)

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