Fizzy and Excitable

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

"It's not a tampon."

That's how Shenée started her conversation with me today. She passed me the thing you see in the foreground of today's blip and explained it was a thing you stick to the back of your phone to prop it up.

It was a small but considerate gift from my small but considerate friend. 

She was FIZZY and EXCITABLE today! I haven't seen her this upbeat in a while. I should clarify. She is ALWAYS upbeat and happy but today was another level. This is because she had just gone for an interview for a new job and it had gone really well. 

Her previous job is not what she had hoped it would be. Hoping to rid herself of government department ineptitude, she found herself working for lots of government departments as their vendor. 

This new job sounds much more "her". Also it is in the same building I work at! 

"If they ask me why I want to work here, what should I say?" she asked. "I can't tell them it's because my best friend Stoffy works three floors down." 

I was meeting her for lunch today, also Ellie and Corrie. This may have been another contributing factor to Shenée's ebullient mood. "All my BESTIES!" she beamed when we were all there. 

But that was her last word for a while. Because Ellie was ALSO fizzy and excitable! She poured forth with good news and good vibes about HER new job. She's been there nearly a month now and it sounds like she's having fun and stuff and things.

Corrie and I could barely get a word in. But that's ok. We are laid-back types. I just enjoyed listening. I did get to give Corrie a hug and tell her we miss her though. She apologised for being a "hermit" lately and promised to get in touch soon. 

And when I returned from lunch, another nice surprise. Briar had made blueberry cake and saved me a slice. I pottered over to Kainga Ora to pick it up. And while she wasn't AS fizzy as Shenée, she seemed happy. 

It recharged my batteries and reminded me how much I need all these positive, funny, fizzy women in my life. It's nice to be cared for, and to care for other people.


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