
My late mother had a small collection of, mainly, small jugs and I decided one would be a nice thing to keep.
For some reason I woke early this morning, not good when it's to be a busy day. 
The shopping was slightly delayed as a bus broke down on the main road just where I turn into it, causing a lot of delays as it was hard to see past it one way and there was a queue the other. However, I managed to get it delivered for cafe in time, go to the Health Walk and get back in time to do the cooking. We were 2 volunteers down and had a lot of customers - mostly arriving in the 1st 15mins, but we coped fairly well - but were glad when it was done.
Back home I was trying to transfer music from CDs to my MP3 player, it had wiped everything already on it, but I couldn't get the various programme elements to talk to each other. It use to be easy and I don't know where the fault is, maybe the MP3 itself, and it was very frustrating.

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