
By KCNQ2Haiku

Blurry dog in the dark

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Really busy day, rough and early start with Ben obsessing about a library book at school. He just can't get things out of his head at the moment.  
He worked it out and then went to school ok.  I had a home start session where I was watching the baby so I couldn't take Leo. Mr KCNQ2Haiku said he'd keep an eye on him but he was really whiney and difficult apparently.   We took Leo for a quick walk and then I had a physio appointment, we decided he night be better in his crate and pen rather than Mr KCNQ2Haiku's office.  I was back in time to fetch him to take on the school run so that was good.   
Ben has had a good ish day.  We were very surprised given the difficult start but delighted never the less.  He's been a lot calmer at home after school, long may that continue.  Leo has been a monkey and is digging two big holes in my garden.  This blurry photo is him guarding one of his holes whilst also chewing a stick.  I took him for an after tea walk to burn off some energy but it seems just to have reinvigorated him.. oops, I hope we all sleep!!

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