
By the time I had done my essential jobs today (wake up, get dressed, supermarket shopping) it was very grey and rainy so I abandonned all my potential jobs (weeding, plant shopping, cleaning the kitchen floor) and lay on the settee for a few hours reading my book and shouting at Will for jumping all round the living room. Bloody boy cant sit still.

Then I lept into action and tried to take the children swimming. Unfortunately my tactic of arriving one hour before swimming finished was a crap one as it coincided with the rest of Worthing except they had arrived 5 minues before hand, there was a massive queue which the nice lady said was now too long for us to join before closing. Will was furious with me becasue he had been asking to go all day and I kept telling him the later we went, the quieter it would be. Went to the beach playground and cafe and water sprinklers instead, everyone was happy in the end.

I have taken a variety of photos throughout the day, most of them were disapointing - this is the best of the bad lot and the first one I took....

All jobs done for Monday morning, I am now going back to the settee. Why do the weekends go so fast?

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