62 F

Little pieces of 
wire can fix little problems
when you need their help


This morning began with bright sunlight and clear skies, but that didn't last very long. It started to cloud over midmorning and a very gusty wind has come up to whip the palms around. As the storms continue to bash the west coast, we get the overflow. 

I'm in for the day. It's not a very nice day to be out and about. I thought I could work a couple of quick fixes so I don't feel I've wasted the entire day. 

There's a downspout on my awning that rattles and bangs in the wind. I cut a piece of framing wire to anchor it to the awning support. It will be great not to have to listen to that clatter, especially today in the high wind. 

I have lights along the top of my front fencing. Here in the Foothills we do not have street lighting, so these lights can be helpful. One of my lights keeps losing its cover in the wind. I 've been picking it up and popping it back on each time we have a stormy day. Today, I thought I could add a couple of pieces of wire there to better anchor the top. 

We may get some rain this afternoon as this weather system progresses. 

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