My tree

I can't believe how quickly another year has passed. Thanks to Joe tree and the team that keep this wonderful community going.  

Nana and grandad said they would like to see the wildlings today so they had them at our house while I went to work. It was another strike day. 
I had another quiet morning at work . We just got on with some cleaning and rearranging of things.  Work also found out I played the guitar so I have tuned one up for tomorrow morning for some music time with the students.  

The jedi was really happy when I got home . I brought him some new dinosaurs.  His speech is getting so much better and he can name some dinosaurs.  For a child that cannot pronounce words like "face, or fetch" he says "bace and betch" he can pronounce Ankylosaurus and diplodocus and triceratops quite well. 

I've not long had his health visitor here. She is going to chase up his referrals to the NDAS ( Neurodevelopmental and diagnostic service ) and speech and language and paediatrics.  He's been waiting two years now to see the relevant people for what we all say is autism.  For us to get Carson into the school that we want when he's older we need a diagnosis so that we can fight for the right school and not just have him placed anywhere.  I get on well with the health visitor and we speak about life in general and not just what's happening on the whole autism front. But she can't believe he's still waiting.  We have planned a child's plan meeting with his nursery and I've emailed the other professionals that would need to be there too. 

The wildlings are looking forward to going to school and nursery tomorrow.  The big boys are excited as when the weekend comes their friend is coming on a sleepover. 

My collage is of the people that I love. Mr R is in it too although he's quite wee in the photo.  

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