Mini milk tastic

Busy day today.
Daddy took Charlotte downstairs for an hour to let me try and get some sleep as I had been awake since 3:30 (too many thoughts rushing around my head), daddy then headed off to shooting. Once Charlotte had woken from morning sleep we headed off to see them. Sadly Charlotte did not feel the love for the shooting ground and had a mini melt down. As soon as we were away from the busy stands she was much happier and was very keen to see all the doggies that were there.
Came home, lunch, afternoon sleep which involved having to remove ALL toys and books from her shelf first!
Lovely time in the garden was had by all, Charlotte is beginning to grasp the concept of mini milks but does try and hold the ice cream and eat the stick!

Trying new bedtime routine tonight. We did family bath as normal, but then instead of going straight to night garden, we took her downstairs for twenty minutes play, then night garden, milk and bed. Daddy doing milk as I do this.......

Three days of work then holiday!

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