Tête à têtes

We didn’t get out for a walk today, but I did walk up to my blind friend’s house to do a bit more work on her blue badge application. It’s so complicated, I have no idea if we have finally satisfied all the documentary requirements, but I am in awe of how she manages with all the frustrations that come her way. To compound matters, her husband has Alzheimer’s, so life is pretty bleak for her at present. 

I walked on from there to church and put some more stock into the card stand. I had tête à têtes with quite a few people I haven’t seen for a while, one of whom is on crutches and awaiting a second hip operation, having had two cataract operations before that. I then met one more person on my way home – the son of my lovely friend who died so suddenly during lockdown. He had just started training as a policeman when she was taken ill but has decided that’s not the right career for him, and he is now going to train for ordination. She would have been so very proud of him. 

I came back home feeling uplifted by having been out, and having met and chatted to so many people, and at the same time amazed and humbled by how well they are all coping with their individual griefs. 

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