Taking shape

A lovely quiet day at home (although country dancing beckons this evening). 

My sister is vegan and makes lovely meals when we visit. I'd quite like to expand my repertoire of plant based meals and so asked her to suggest recipes for me to try.  Having found some quinoa and black beans in our local refill shop yesterday, I am in the position to try her lest suggestion "Roasted Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Power Bowl"  I cooked the black beans in the slow cooker and roasted the veg earlier so as to take advantage of any solar power we generate.  Looking forward to cooking the quinoa and serving it all for tonight's tea. 

In addition to catching with various admin tasks, I also wrote an email (in Gaelic !) to my tutor to give my apologies for this week's class and continued working on my latest needle felting creation. It now just needs some final shaping and compacting.  It will go well with my first foray into needle felting. 

.... and in case you were wondering the Gaelic for needle felting is fealtadh snàthaid 

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