Angels And Ministers Of Grace Defend Us
On This Day In History
1994: First N.A.T.O. military action when U.S. fighter planes shoot down four Serbian warplanes engaged in a bombing mission in violation of Bosnia's no-fly zone.
Quote Of The Day
"I think N.A.T.O. is a Cold War product. I think N.A.T.O. historically should have shut up shop in 1990 along with the Warsaw Pact; unfortunately, it didn't."
(Jeremy Corbyn)
I could agree with Mr. Corbyn if the J.L.A. could be bought in to take the place of N.A.T.O. and defend us from the likes of Slobodan Milošević, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. Sadly, that is unlikely to happen so, considering events in Eastern Europe, perhaps we should be grateful Mr. Corbyn never became prime minister.
Боже, храни президента
Bozhe, khrani prezidenta
Adventures Of The Love Crusader
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