A few hours later....

Yesterday's blip was taken from my little drone, looking north east from Feorlean.   

Our neighbours came for supper and just after they left we got a call to say they could see the aurora borealis very clearly from the track to our house.  So we went out with the dogs and watched the best display we have ever seen here, and the second best we had witnessed (the best being at almost exactly the same time of year, and in the same weather, in 1980 from  the wee school house we lived in at Kilerevagh in Benbecula) .

This is just one of the images I took , but it was the one I tweeted and which was used by The National on line yesterday  in its story of the thousands of people who saw the lights at their best across the country.  

It also looks to the North East , in almost exactly the same direction as I was taking a very different shot only a few hours before.   

The two extra photos are , firstly, the lights through the trees as we walked up our track, and second one taken looking more north, with Ardachuple below us (our neighbouring farmhouse which was burnt down on Christmas Eve 2018 but which has now been re-built) 

My final extra image is from later in the day,  when I was recording a piece to camera for a new Glasgow University micro credentials course on Cultural Heritage Skills for  Business.   We filmed at the Tinker's Heart , to explain the importance of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and it was a lovely day to be above Loch Fyne. 

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