Pin sharp

My entry for today's MonoMonday theme of sharp/blunt, with many thanks to pinkhairedlady for hosting this month of February !

My laptop is still playing up on several fronts, the usb-ports on the right are all not working, I do have one on the left side too, but using that one for the mouse means not being able to do anything else which requires usb-ports. Tried almost everything suggested on the internet to no avail yet.

So, I've hurried through all your creative and festive Abstract Thursday entries without much comment, so sorry for that, I have chosen 5 special entries and will hope very much that I can find a laptop solution before the next results of the challenge. But, we're off to Italy later this week to finally see my Mum again after three years of Covid-restrictions, to celebrate her birthday, and I don't think bringing a wonky laptop with us will be very fruitful ....

Speaking about Abstract Thursday and Robert/youoregon1, the founder of this challenge, I wish I could tell you how he is, but even though I tried to reach him a couple of times I haven't heard from him in a long time. If anybody else is in contact with him or his wife please tell us what's been happening with him.

This coming Thursday is the first Thursday of the new month and as such there is no theme, the tag will be AT401 and I think I'll have the results next Monday or even Tuesday.

Here's the list of 5 special entries (but all entries were pretty special !):
Majoayee               vibrant red
evolybab                heart composition
Amanda_T             festive
stujphoto               twirl
davidc                    party popper

Thanks so much for all the lovely entries and for participating to Abstract Thursday :-)

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