
By pandammonium

Portent of doom?

Despite being peri-sunset, the sky was still bright. The clouds were a different matter.

Are they a portent of the empty shelves inside Tesco, whose car park this is? Or are they a portent of the following rant? Please jog on if you don’t want to read another of my rants. Please come back another day!

What are we to blame for the empty shelves?
Energy costs?
Climate change?
The expectation of all fresh fruit and veg whether it’s in season or not?

Probably a bit of everything.

I can’t say I support the current government, but I have wondered for quite some time why we expect to eat salady stuff in winter, when it’s out of season.

Haven’t people been banging on for ages about helping the environment by eating seasonally?

I’ve read plenty of recent blips and comments thereupon complaining about watery tomatoes and bland strawberries.

Wouldn’t you rather have a hearty stew (with dumplings) during ‘cold snaps’/the winter than a salad?

Imagine Wimbledon serving suet pudding and custard instead of strawberries and cream. There’d be genteel uproar.

Why do we have this expectation, and where did it come from? Greengrocers? The supermarkets?

Wherever it came from, it’s all contributing to climate change and eco-disaster: the energy required to heat greenhouses and polytunnels, the air miles needed to bring us fresh produce from half way round the world, the plants introduced to new regions, the unrecyclable packaging needed, the water needed.

I don’t know what the solution is, but I’m not eating turnips: I’ve never liked them, whether they’re white or yellow. And you can argue among yourselves about supposed terminological inexactitudes.

Ok, that’s that rant over with. Normal service will probably be is resumed in my next blip.

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