
By LifeLines

Masts and Sausage Rolls

It feels hard to get out of bed on cold grey mornings such as the one we had today. But our efforts to get up rather than lie in paid off with a walk in sunshine at Emsworth.

We went down to the yacht basin where I was intrigued by this blackboard next to a large rack storing masts. Andy explained that rather than tagging each mast, they note on the board the name of the boat to which each mast belongs. Each position on the board corresponding to a position on the rack. Something pleasing about this simple manual method.

As is the routine on our wanders at Emsworth, we stopped at the bakery so Andy could get a sausage roll. Merlin has come to remember this and walks us straight to the bakery and sits outside looking intently into the shop whilst Andy purchases the delicacy. He gets treated to a few crumbs if he sits politely whilst Andy eats.

Later I popped to the allotment to plant a witch hazel. Hopefully this time next year it will be filled with flowers to cheer me as I sit and drink my allotment cuppa.

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