A day in the life

By Shelling

Coffee out

Gorgeous day, sunny, blue skies. I took the chance of having my first coffee of the year on my porch. Only thing was is was only 2 degrees warm but there was some little heat coming from the sun as I enjoyed my cup of coffee, rather quickly actually.

Work in the theatre again today. It's the last day of the schoolkids winter holiday and the council shows free films at the theatre. Big screen. 5.0 surround sound. There was two films, one for the really small, up to seven or so years and one for seven and upwards. The last film was an animated, 80 minutes long film about a kid saving New York from a virus attack. At 76 minutes and the excitement was at its highest, New York was saved from the attack bu our boy hero seemed to have died. There was a black screeen and a message saying "File corrupt". Loud shouts of NOOO! among the young audience was heard and I was happy I wasn't the technician just then. It took him five minutes to restart the film, fast forward to the place it broke off and, fingers crossed, it worked and we all could see how our hero was saved by his little sister.

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