
By CharlotteJ

My Boy?s

Today's challenge is proving to be very I have decided to be preditable!

I wanted to share with you a 'memory' (subject of today's challenge). I would like to introduce you to:

Robbie - top left. He was a Manx cat (Millie is also a Manx) and our first cat....he was full of mischief but a real cuddle monkey when the ladies were not looking! He adored Chris and would always watch an England game with Chris (hence the England tag) on the side of the sofa!! We had a fun 9 years with him but sadly died five years ago. We still miss him.

Harry - to the right. A huge big softie who would never been far from my knee. Loved Beer (when backs were turned!) and mange tout..........he died suddenly and very quickly one weekend aged 18 months to an aneurysm. I of course miss him.

Ollie - bottom left. Our Ragdoll who never grew up......he became very sick as soon as we got him home and died from a very rare condition called a liver shunt, he was six months old. We didn't get much of a chance to bond as he was so sick and very grumpy!! But he was a nice cat and would have been very naughty I am sure!!

Harry died after Ollie making one year a particularly hard. Someone once said to me, losing a pet is like losing a family member - I completely agree!

I'm not sad anymore, I'm happy they came into our life for us to look after them and there are reasons for everything. They are one of the reasons why I started to take photo's every day which eventually introduced me to Blip, which in turn has improved my photography and met new wonderful supportive people.

So there you have my 'memory' for today's challenge. I hope I have not depressed you all!!

Tomorrow is 'Birthday' and guess what......I will be 365 fab is that?!

P.S thank you all so much for the wonderful support to yesterday's blip and amazing comments.

Happy Sunday

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