Feb 25

Male green winged teal at Shubie Park today. The 2 females have been around the same area all winter. The male showed up about a month ago, but he is not always in the same place. I finally saw him today.
I think the stress and frustration over everything that has been happening for the past couple of weeks finally caught up with me today. I spent most of the day fighting the urge to sit down and cry. The past few weeks we have had a storm on Friday, so the roads have still been in rough shape on Saturday morning. That means I haven't been on a road trip since the end of January. Going for a drive to the valley or the south shore is stress relief for me.
Plus there has been the stress of not having a washing machine in the house. And having to juggle jobs around this week, between a printer being broken and the fire at Walmart.
I did have a message this morning from the homeowner saying the repairman would be here on Monday. I told her that I have to work on Monday and my roommate has to leave for work at noon. She said not to worry, that everything had been arranged with T (her nephew). He has been supposed to arrange to have someone over here to do some other repairs since I moved in, but nothing has happened. When he came over earlier in February to replace the thermostat, I asked him about it. He said the guy had called me and left a message, but that had never happened. He left me the phone number, so I can call him, but I have been working every day. It should not be up to me to make arrangements to get repairs done.
I like the location here, and I like the house, but if the owner will not get even minor repairs done, I can see myself looking for another place to live sooner than I had planned. My goal was to stay here till the summer of 2024, then buy a mini home, but I suspect I will be looking for another place this summer.

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