
We made a reasonably prompt start this morning, dropping our bags off at a left luggage service* that the Minx somehow knew about, in her mysterious and impenetrable way, before taking the Underground down to Waterloo to meet my brother, Wol, for breakfast at the Chunnel Bar, just around the corner from the station.

We'd hoped to meet up with my folks and Dan, too, but the latter opted to stay in bed, finally giving into a cold, while my Dad has managed to contract Covid. Still, the three of us had a good time; Wol was on good form and it was nice to have him to ourselves. 

After that we jumped on the Tube again, this time up to Chalk Farm, whence we walked down into Camden for a mooch around the markets, the Minx doing a bit of browsing and shopping while I mostly people watched. Actually, I wasn't so much looking at individuals as marvelling at the sheer volume of them.

And after that it was back to Euston, and then to Manchester in time for Hannah's birthday drinks at the Eagle Inn. You know, I think you can tell a lot about someone from their friends, and Hannah's seem to be a fine bunch.


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