
By picklepeter

Rocky Robinson

I'm writing this on the 19th May so a bit of a back blipping fest is about to ensue I'm afraid. What with the challenges of the new job and attending my forestry course for a week I've been hard pressed to get the camera out at all let alone blip stuff. Think this level of pressure is going to persist at least till I get my PhD thesis done and dusted and/or till I fully settle into my new job.

Was down in Manchester on the 11th visiting one of my oldest pals - Adam 'Rocky' Robinson - who features in today's blip. I know Rocky from what seems like another life altogther really when I was trying to be a cellist. It didn't really work out (me trying to be a cellist that is, not my friendship with Rocky!) and I'm happy to have come full circle now back to my first love of environmental science. Boozy, boozy night with Rocky and other Manchester pals but great to catch-up with folk.

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