I love you MOOOOOST!!!!

The sister of my friend had several sayings that everyone remembered her for, including, "I love you MOOOOST!!" She dedicated her professional life to making people's lives better and engaged in major acts of kindness. She was also known for hugging. If she hugged you, you were HUGGED. 

The picture I took of her was the picture on the front of the program and each of her sisters was so grateful that I had taken it. 

The church was ok with me taking pictures esp as I assured not only no lights but that the camera would be set to silent. The church photographer let me know who the minister was so I could be ready and pointed out some prep happening in a back room so I could take pictures back there. I knew to ask if my friend wanted a picture of her sister and she whispered, "discreetly." 

I now have a funeral style: get all the hugging people and get people looking at the program. 

Everyone at the funeral wore a mask. It was a requirement and it was respected. 

There was an interesting article in Bloomberg about what Europe has been doing to support the war. Some people joined the soldiers. Cities in Poland organized to provide shelter, food, and childcare to refugees. Britons donated ~ £400 million. But the decision to use less energy also made a difference. Thanks to this and the bizarre heat, residential and commercial consumption of gas fell 15%. 75% of Europe stands behind helping Ukraine. 

The US is giving Ukraine a new long range GPS guided bomb that hit from 45 miles away.  

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