
By HighlandCoo


Had a very uneventful day at work today - I'm not complaining! But, I had a few colleagues badger me into making them some brownies for tomorrow, so.... ta-da!!!!!

One of the said colleagues posted some link on FB this evening, well, I cried laughing at it. It was the funniest thing I'd seen in ages. I actually had tears streaming down my face from the laughter! Been a long time since I've laughed like that, so it was well needed. :-D
I know it's not normally something I would link to on here, but I hope at least some of you will get as much of a giggle as I did out of it. We all need a good belly-laugh every now and again, so I figured I would share the laughter with my fellow blippers. :-)
**Just be warned, if you're easily offended, this might not be the best thing for you to read!

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