Hiya, Gram
Hard to believe it is Lent already. My plan to clean the second garden was delayed for two reasons. First, it rained all morning and second, my knee wasn’t going to cooperate. Tomorrow promises to be sunny and warm; we will be back out there. I spent the morning trying to get a photo of the dark eyed juncos. They will migrate soon. We even washed the windows but the birds flew each time I went into the kitchen. As I was giving up, this mourning dove came to the window to greet me. He/she had to stand in the middle of the vertical pane but this photo will have to do. I love the blue around the eyes. Hubby went out after noon to put down mulch in the cleaned garden and cut out the volunteer cedar and holly trees that were damaging the azaleas. My sister and BIL stopped by bearing gifts: magazines, clothes and garden scissors. I organized my collection of blip quotes while hubby napped. Mack and Chase asked us to pick them up for 7:00 pm Mass. Kristen is suffering with kidney stones so she will not be going. Lauren just called. Hopefully we will have a healthy new great granddaughter tomorrow or Thursday. Wishing those who participate, a solemn and invigorating Lent. Thanks for the visit, dropping off hearts, stars and sweet comments. I will try to read journals later this evening. Stay safe. Sure don’t like all this sparring with Russia and China. “And there my little doves did sit With feathers softly brown And glittering eyes that showed their right To general Nature's deep delight.” - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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